Dough ingredients
- 04 eggs
- 03 tablespoons (full) of salt-free ghee;
- 1 tea cup (240) ml of filtered orange juice;
- Peel the orange as thinly as possible;
- 02 cups of tea sugar;
02 cups of wheat flour tea:
- 01 tablespoon baking powder
Preparation method: - Put the eggs, sugar, orange peel, ghee and orange juice in the blender and whisk
for a minute. - Add the flour and whisk until combined. - Finally, add the baking powder and whisk
quickly. In a greased and filled form, pour out all the dough and take it to bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 45 minutes, or until it sticks to a knife.
And it comes out clean. - The time may vary depending on the power of each oven, so keep an eye on it.
Start the week with joy
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